WHO wants more voluntary blood donors

Pints of bloodThe World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday asked nations to obtain 100 per cent of their blood supplies and blood products from voluntary unpaid blood donors by 2020.

WHO said the need for blood and blood products was increasing every year, and many patients requiring life-saving transfusion did not have timely access to safe blood and blood products.

A statement signed by Tarik Jasarevic of the WHO Media Relations, copied to the Ghana News Agency, said in 2011 nearly 83 million blood donations were collected worldwide from voluntary unpaid blood donors, an increase of close to eight million donations from 2004.

The statement issued as part of the World Blood Donor Day, which falls on June 14, said; “Blood collection from voluntary non-remunerated blood donors is the cornerstone of a safe and sufficient blood supply in all countries.

“More voluntary blood donors are needed to meet the increasing needs and to improve access to this life-saving therapy,” it said.

“The safety and quality of blood and blood products should never be compromised,” said Dr Neelam Dhingra, WHO Co-ordinator for Blood Transfusion Safety.

The statement said regular voluntary unpaid blood donors were the safest source of blood as there were fewer blood borne infections among them than those who gave blood in exchange for money or who donated for family members in emergencies.

“Currently, 60 countries collect 100 per cent of their blood supply from voluntary unpaid blood donors. (Thirty-five are high-income countries, 18 middle-income countries and seven in low-income countries).

“Six of these countries have achieved this target from a percentage lower than 75 per cent reported in 2004: Cook Islands (from 40 per cent), Nicaragua (from 41per cent), Turkey (from 40 per cent), United Arab Emirates (from 59 per cent) and Zambia (from 72 per cent).

“However, more progress is needed, with 73 countries still collecting more than 50 per cent of their blood supply from replacement or paid donors,” it said.

The statement noted that in low- and middle-income countries, blood transfusion was usually given for the management of complications of pregnancy and childbirth and the treatment of severe childhood anaemia.

It said in high-income countries, transfusion was most commonly used for supportive care in heart surgery, transplant surgery, trauma and cancer therapy.

The statement said providing safe and adequate supplies of blood and blood products should be an integral part of every country’s national health care policy and infrastructure.
“WHO provides policy guidance and technical assistance to support countries in developing national blood systems based on voluntary unpaid blood donations, and implementing quality systems to ensure that safe and quality blood and blood products are available and used appropriately for all people who need them,” the statement said.

Source: GNA

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