Ghana asked to build fortunes on Green and Information Revolutions

Ghana needs to build its economic fortunes on Green and Information Revolutions to eliminate the threats of starvation, malnutrition, poverty and mass unemployment.

Dr.  Osei Kofi Darkwa, President of the Ghana Telecom University College (GTUC), who gave the advice at the weekend, stressed that the two revolutions had aided countries such as Singapore, China and India to achieve economic successes.

“The Green Revolution led to sustained food surpluses and eliminated the threat of starvation, especially in Asia,” he said. “It raised farmers’ incomes and contributed to the decline in poverty and it gave people more access to improved nutrition and employment opportunities, especially, for rural folks.”

Dr. Darkwa was speaking at the 7th Matriculation Ceremony, held for 341 students offered admission at the University, in Accra.

He said the future of the continent and Ghana in particular, depended on the ability of the citizenry to harness the socio-economic potential of information, telecommunication technology (ICT).

“A nation unable to join this new economic order, unable to harness the power of ICT, is effectively locked out of the new global economy and forced to remain a marginal player on the world economic stage,” he added.

Dr Darkwa urged the matriculants to brave all odds to learn hard in order to contribute immensely towards the development of the continent and the country.

“The expectation is that you will use what you learn here to make a difference in the lives of the people of this country and beyond, to help the people of this country become prosperous and healthy,” he said.

Mr Gideon Quarcoo, Deputy Minister of Communications, expressed worry that a few Ghanaians had access to tertiary education.

“As a matter of fact, it is only three per cent of the population of this country who have access to tertiary education,” he said.

Mr Quarcoo, who is also a Council Member of the University, urged the students to employ proper curiosity and passion as tools to aid them in their study.

“Your time at this great university will sharpen your sense of discovery, and there is no better catalyst for success than curiosity,” he advised. “It is through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that you can always map your path.”

Out of the 341 students admitted to pursue various Certificate, Diploma and Degree level programmes, 289 are males and 52 are females.

Sixty seven of the total are foreign nationals from 12 countries.

Source: GNA

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