Ghana needs Ministry for Urban Development – Expert

Government must consider setting up a focal Ministry to be in charge of urban development in the country, Mr Alfred Kwesi Opoku, Director of Jeavco Associates, a local architectural firm advocated on Tuesday in Accra.

Speaking on the topic, “Urbanisation in Ghana” at a public lecture by the Ghana Green Building Council (GHGBC) in Accra, Mr Opoku said, urban development in Ghana seemed to be out-of-control and something urgent needed to be done to control the situation.

Mr Opoku said the proposed Ministry should be well resourced to plan the towns, cities and ensure that all development structures conformed to proper laid down regulations.

He also suggested that the Town and Country Planning Department (TCPD) should be upgraded to the status of an “Authority” to undertake the various town planning activities and transportation in the urban areas.

Mr Opoku said the rate of increase of urban population in Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions were above the national average and the quality of life in the slums in these areas was worse than those in the villages.

The lecture attended by architects, urban planners, surveyors and students, was on the theme: “Green buildings, communities and the national economy”.

Dr Victor Kootin-Sanwu, a lecturer at the Department of Architecture, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), also stressed the need for Ghanaians to conserve and use energy efficiently at home.

He said the efficient use of energy at home would help to minimise cost and ensure sustainable development.

Dr Kootin-Sanwu, who spoke on the topic: “Energy efficiency in buildings,” said it was important that individuals and organisations sought experts’ opinion on how to provide efficient energy in their houses and offices.

He said Ghanaians like most developing countries used more energy in terms of kilowatts hours than their counterparts in developed countries.

Dr Kootin-Sanwu said the issue of energy conservation and efficiency at home could not be left only to the experts, but society had a role to play.

Mr Daniel K. Quartey, Chief Executive of Excel Air Condition and Manufacturing Company Limited, who spoke on the topic: “Solid Solar Cooling”, called for attitudinal change on the usage of energy in the country.

He said unless Ghanaians began to conserve and use energy wisely, it would not matter the amount of expansion in the energy sector, the country would continue to experience power-cuts and load shedding.

Mr Quartey stressed the need for the nation to adopt alternative energy sources such as solar, which was more environmentally friendly compared to thermal gas plants.

Source: GNA

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