Council for Afrika slams exclusion of AU in “no fly zone”

The Council for Afrika International, a UK-based think-tank has reiterated its objection to the discriminating manner the world super powers are imposing the no-fly zone in Libya, sidelining the African Union (AU).
A statement issued by Dr Koku Adomdza, President of the Council noted that the United States, France, United Kingdom and the Arab League took decisions that could entail military action on an African country in imminent violation of the territorial integrity of the African continent.
“We urge the leadership of the African Union to take appropriate steps to ensure that the sovereignty of the African Continent is protected from imperialist aggression under the guise of protecting civilian lives.
“Libya is a member of the African Union and a former chairperson of the union. We condemn the obvious double standards and hypocrisy of the West in ignoring the ravaging bloodshed and abuse of human rights in the Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
“We urge proactive diplomatic and mediatory intervention and condemn foreign military intervention, since the latter will only escalate violence.”
The statement said Libya is located on African soil not in the Persian Gulf, Europe or the United Sates and so the AU must be seen as leading on developments, not sidelined.
Afrika International subscribes to international values as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, not the least protection of civilian lives, and condemns any violation of the same anywhere in Africa and around the world.
“We agree for peace in Libya through diplomatic and mediation, which must resume immediately. However, the discriminatory, supremacist and imperialist manner in which the no-fly zone resolution is being carried out, is reprehensible and a needless recipe for disaster which will claim more African lives and possibly even risk the lives of … citizens in action.”
The statement said Afrika International was in total agreement with the need for an immediate ceasefire to protect civilian lives in armed conflict in accordance with international law.
It said the best way to attain this was through mediation and active diplomacy and urged the UN to have a careful think through of the enforcement of the UN resolution.
“Enforcement of a no-fly zone on African soil in Libya will entail the taking out of Libya’s [not Gaddafi’s] Western-manufactured air defence and anti-aircraft installations which were bought with the Libyan people’s resources and is likely to entail avoidable casualties, to which we are opposed.
“We categorically oppose actions that will escalate the bloodshed in Libya and therefore insist on urgent mediatory and diplomatic approach – led by the African Union.
“World leaders have it in their hands to take a principled, non- discriminatory approach to regain their credibility. A continued hypocritical, unprincipled and discriminatory approach towards Libya and the African Continent will inflame regional, global instability, endanger international relations and peaceful coexistence.”
Source: GNA
The Council for Afrika International, a UK-based think-tank has reiterated its objection to the discriminating manner the world super powers are imposing the no-fly zone in Libya, sidelining the African Union (AU).
A statement issued by Dr Koku Adomdza, President of the Council noted that the United States, France, United Kingdom and the Arab League took decisions that could entail military action on an African country in imminent violation of the territorial integrity of the African continent.
“We urge the leadership of the African Union to take appropriate steps to ensure that the sovereignty of the African Continent is protected from imperialist aggression under the guise of protecting civilian lives.
“Libya is a member of the African Union and a former chairperson of the union. We condemn the obvious double standards and hypocrisy of the West in ignoring the ravaging bloodshed and abuse of human rights in the Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
“We urge proactive diplomatic and mediatory intervention and condemn foreign military intervention, since the latter will only escalate violence.”
The statement said Libya is located on African soil not in the Persian Gulf, Europe or the United Sates and so the AU must be seen as leading on developments, not sidelined.
Afrika International subscribes to international values as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, not the least protection of civilian lives, and condemns any violation of the same anywhere in Africa and around the world.
“We agree for peace in Libya through diplomatic and mediation, which must resume immediately. However, the discriminatory, supremacist and imperialist manner in which the no-fly zone resolution is being carried out, is reprehensible and a needless recipe for disaster which will claim more African lives and possibly even risk the lives of … citizens in action.”
The statement said Afrika International was in total agreement with the need for an immediate ceasefire to protect civilian lives in armed conflict in accordance with international law.
It said the best way to attain this was through mediation and active diplomacy and urged the UN to have a careful think through of the enforcement of the UN resolution.
“Enforcement of a no-fly zone on African soil in Libya will entail the taking out of Libya’s [not Gaddafi’s] Western-manufactured air defence and anti-aircraft installations which were bought with the Libyan people’s resources and is likely to entail avoidable casualties, to which we are opposed.
“We categorically oppose actions that will escalate the bloodshed in Libya and therefore insist on urgent mediatory and diplomatic approach – led by the African Union.
“World leaders have it in their hands to take a principled, non- discriminatory approach to regain their credibility. A continued hypocritical, unprincipled and discriminatory approach towards Libya and the African Continent will inflame regional, global instability, endanger international relations and peaceful coexistence.”
Source: GNA
Council for Afrika slams exclusion of AU in “no fly zone”
The Council for Afrika International, a UK-based think-tank has reiterated its objection to the discriminating manner the world super powers are imposing the no-fly zone in Libya, sidelining the African Union (AU).
A statement issued by Dr Koku Adomdza, President of the Council noted that the United States, France, United Kingdom and the Arab League took decisions that could entail military action on an African country in imminent violation of the territorial integrity of the African continent.
“We urge the leadership of the African Union to take appropriate steps to ensure that the sovereignty of the African Continent is protected from imperialist aggression under the guise of protecting civilian lives.
“Libya is a member of the African Union and a former chairperson of the union. We condemn the obvious double standards and hypocrisy of the West in ignoring the ravaging bloodshed and abuse of human rights in the Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
“We urge proactive diplomatic and mediatory intervention and condemn foreign military intervention, since the latter will only escalate violence.”
The statement said Libya is located on African soil not in the Persian Gulf, Europe or the United Sates and so the AU must be seen as leading on developments, not sidelined.
Afrika International subscribes to international values as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, not the least protection of civilian lives, and condemns any violation of the same anywhere in Africa and around the world.
“We agree for peace in Libya through diplomatic and mediation, which must resume immediately. However, the discriminatory, supremacist and imperialist manner in which the no-fly zone resolution is being carried out, is reprehensible and a needless recipe for disaster which will claim more African lives and possibly even risk the lives of … citizens in action.”
The statement said Afrika International was in total agreement with the need for an immediate ceasefire to protect civilian lives in armed conflict in accordance with international law.
It said the best way to attain this was through mediation and active diplomacy and urged the UN to have a careful think through of the enforcement of the UN resolution.
“Enforcement of a no-fly zone on African soil in Libya will entail the taking out of Libya’s [not Gaddafi’s] Western-manufactured air defence and anti-aircraft installations which were bought with the Libyan people’s resources and is likely to entail avoidable casualties, to which we are opposed.
“We categorically oppose actions that will escalate the bloodshed in Libya and therefore insist on urgent mediatory and diplomatic approach – led by the African Union.
“World leaders have it in their hands to take a principled, non- discriminatory approach to regain their credibility. A continued hypocritical, unprincipled and discriminatory approach towards Libya and the African Continent will inflame regional, global instability, endanger international relations and peaceful coexistence.”
Source: GNA