Information Service Dept. working under serious constraints in Upper West

The Information Service Department (ISD) in the Upper West Region is operating under constraints, making it unable to attain its set goals to the maximum.
The Department is contending with obsolete equipment which needed immediate replacement to enable it to discharge it duties effectively and efficiently.
Some districts of the Department lack the full complement of the required staff especially cinema commentators, who are the pivot around which efficient dissemination of government information revolve.
Mr Yussifu Denin, Acting Regional Director of the Department told the Ghana News Agency in an interview that six information cinema vans were grounded due to maintenance with the remaining three operating in poor condition.
He said office and residential accommodation as well as furniture were some of the problems militating against the smooth operations of the Department.
Mr Denin said offices of the Department lacked equipment to transmit information promptly.
He said despite the setbacks the ISD, had collaborated with Ghana Health Service to educate the public on malaria, polio, Cerebro Spinal Meningitis, and cholera.
The Regional Director said the Department had also teamed up with the district assemblies and the Regional Coordinating Council as well as heads of Department and Agencies to educate the people on government policies and programmes.
Source: GNA