Ghanaian teacher wins GH¢10,000 lottery jackpot

The National Lottery Authority (NLA) on Tuesday presented a cheque for GH¢10,000 to Ms Gladys Ahia as her prize in the Win, Own, Walk-in (WOW) SMS Lottery draw at a ceremony in Accra.

An elated Ms Ahia, who received the star prize, said it was just like a dream as she had doubted a lot of games in the public domain.

According to Ms Ahia, a 33-year-old teacher based in Accra, she received an SMS blast from Airtel Ghana Limited and decided to enter because she knew NLA to be credible.

She said she entered the draw by texting three times adding that she was going to save some of the money for her two kids, commence a business and another project she had in mind

Ms Ahia said her dream was to win one of the ultimate two-bed roomed houses to be given out by NLA.

Mr Ekow Incoom, Business Promotion Executive, NLA presenting the cheque, said the presentation was in fulfillment of the authority’s pledge made to the public.

The next draw is slated for Saturday, February 4.

Source: GNA

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