1,007 LESDEP beneficiaries receive start-up kits and equipment

A total of 1,007 unemployed youth trained under the Local Enterprises and Skills Development Programme (LESDEP), were on Monday presented with start-up kits and equipment at a ceremony held at the Jubilee Park in Kumasi.

These included beauty care machines and products, computer and mobile phone repair kits, hand sewing and embroidery machines, ovens, block-making, binding and lamination machines, fruit-processors, mini water tankers and multi-purpose tricycles.

The beneficiaries underwent training in Information Technology (IT), mobile-phone and laptop repairs, agriculture and agro-processing, catering services, welding and fabrication, photography, construction and transport.

Mr Gariba Adem, National Coordinator of LESDEP, said the goal is to facilitate acquisition of technical and entrepreneurial skills among the unemployed to make him or her economically self-supporting.

The training comes at no cost to the trainee. Upon completion, they are supported with the needed tools to start their own business.

Mr Adem said the training is done in conjunction with the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare, National Board for Small-scale Industries (NBSSI) and other agencies.

He urged the beneficiaries to be serious with their various trades to sustain their livelihood.

Mr Elvis Afriyie-Ankrah, a Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, reiterated the government’s resolve to assist the youth to acquire the requisite skills and trades for their development.

He said a total of about 40,000 young people are expected to benefit from the programme by the end of 2012.

Source: GNA

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