Eastern Corridor Roads to be completed on schedule – Minister

Mr Henry Ford Kamel, Volta Regional Minister, on Wednesday re-assured communities along the Eastern Corridor Roads that the project to rehabilitate those roads would be completed on schedule.

He said “Do not be deceived by detractors. Just exercise patience, now that work has started, it will surely end and be done on schedule.”

Mr Kamel, who was inspecting progress of work on the Nkwanta -Oti Damango road,  said rumours that there was no money for the execution of the project was false, and appealed to the people to support Government to deliver on its promises.

“If there is no money for the project, why would Government pay huge compensations and why would the China Jiangxi Corporation and other contractors move to site,” he queried.

Mr Kamel said design for the   Nkwanta -Oti Damango road was quite complex, but assured the people that its completion would bring smile on the faces of many as it would open the region up for accelerated development.

Mr Kwadwo Aboagye, Consultant for the project, said work on the project was on course and that five kilometers of “formation” had been done on the Nkwanta-Oti Damango stretch.

Source: GNA

  1. KK says

    It takes 4years to Build 10kilometer road in Ghana and look at the rail sector. Money to build these infrastructures goes into greedy bustard pocket who have no vision. 55years of both loans, Donner’s money nothing to show for. promises after promises and still Accra have basic water, electricity issue. Cannot develop Accra what about the rest of the regions, cities, municipalities.

  2. big says

    Hmmmm gh needs an accelerated infrastracture devp.gud road network,railway linking north to south east to west ,reliable source of electricity (21 century n blackouts @ anytime damn),ICT cos guess wat we need to hav access to information. Those out of date websites of govt needs update.

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