Police in Upper West commended for reducing cross border crimes

The Upper West Regional Police Command has been praised for reducing cross border crimes and social vices,  despite its challenges of inadequate number of personnel and limited logistics.

Mr. Paul Tawiah Quaye, the Inspector General of Police (IGP), who made the commendation, said the Police Command has been able to  keep order along Ghana’s borders with La Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso in the region.

He said these at a meeting with police personnel in Wa on Tuesday, to run off his two-day working visit of the region, to interact with police personnel.

Mr. Quaye said cross border and trans-national crime was attracting global attention since criminals use those borders to evade arrests by law enforcement agencies.

Smuggling of contraband goods and arms and illegal substances like narcotic drugs as well as the activities of potential terrorists also needed to be checked, the IGP told the Police.

Mr. Quaye said the Police administration would solve problems of the police in the region.

He said that the Police administration had reactivated the Tinga Operational Camp in Northern Region and supported it with vehicles and  additional personnel to effectively patrol the crime prone Wa-Kumasi highway.

“It is our hope that this intervention will help reduce the incidents of highway robbery in the region and parts of the Northern Region,” Mr Quaye  said.

The IGP commended municipal and district assemblies in the region, particularly the Jirapa District Assembly for supporting the police.

Mr. Kofi Danso-Akyeampong, the Upper West Regional Police Commander, said the police in the area were having problems of inadequate staffing, residential and office accommodation, transport and communication equipment and office equipment.

Some of the police personnel in the region complained to the IGP that they were being denied study leave to pursuit further courses in tertiary institutions, while their colleagues in the other regions were benefiting from the package.

Source: GNA

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