Two bodies back award to boost entrepreneurship among SMEs in Africa

The 2012 Project Incubator Award seeking to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Africa has received support from two international bodies.

This year’s award, according to organisers, the EMRC, will be sponsored by the Venture Capital for Africa (VC4A), a global platform connecting entrepreneurs and investors throughout Africa, and the Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation (Hivos), a leading Dutch organisation with a worldwide presence.

In a statemen copied to, the EMRC said the winner and nominees of this year’s award will receive increased international recognition and the opportunity to expand their global contacts with the winner receiving a cash prize of $15,000.

The award will be open to all delegates participating in this year’s Africa Finance & Investment Forum (AFIF) themed “Financial inclusion through SMEs & Cooperatives”.

The event kicks-off in the Netherlands from June 17-19, 2012.

The Project Incubator Award  is an EMRC initiative launched in 2008 to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa among SMEs.

By Ekow Quandzie

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