Salaries of student nurses, teacher trainees delayed in Cape Coast

A large number of public servants on Government payroll on Thursday besieged the Cape Coast office of the Controller and Accountant General for non-payment of their July salaries.

The workers most of them from the Health, Education and Local Government Services had their salaries not credited to their accounts at the various banks when they checked.

Reasons cited included failure to register during the recent biometric registration exercise conducted for government workers by the Controller and Accountant General’s Department.

Meanwhile, some others who registered did not also have their salaries.

The situation resulted in a near stampede as the workers struggled in queue to either register or enquire about the reason for the delay in their salaries.

A frustrated student nurse from the Cape Coast Nursing Training College, Mr. Emmanuel Duah told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that though he registered in June, his salary for July had not been paid and so had come for the anomaly to be rectified.

Ms. Veronica Quansah, a teacher, said she was not able to register because she did not have a Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) number at the time, a requirement for the registration. She has now been given SSNIT number and was yet to register.

The Controller and Accountant General’s Department in June this year, embarked on a biometric registration exercise to flush out ghost names on the Government payroll with warnings that any worker, who failed to do so would not be paid their salaries.

Source: GNA

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