Ghanaians have responsibility to ensure peaceful elections – Group

The Association of Christian Men’s Fellowship has emphasized the need for Ghanaians to work harder towards peaceful elections this year to engender peace and stability in the country.

Mr. Bright Osei Agyemang, the President, said the nation had under the Fourth Republican Constitution gained a good reputation for herself, citing the peaceful manner in which general elections had been held to choose leaders for the nation over the years.

He said: “The onus lies on all stakeholders to play more responsible roles this time to facilitate the electoral and democratic processes as the comity of African nations look up to Ghana for inspiration in terms of upholding democratic principles.”

Mr. Osei Agyemang was speaking to the Ghana News agency (GNA) on the sidelines of a seminar dubbed: “Praying for Peaceful Elections”, organized by the Association in Kumasi at the weekend.

The programme brought together about 200 delegates from various denominations in Kumasi, as well as political party representatives to pray and seek God’s favour to enhance an incident-free election.

The President said it was necessary that political activists refrained from utterances and actions with the tendency to inflame passions or cause violence.

He said the Association had stepped up efforts to sensitize Christian men to be ambassadors of peace in the interest of the nation.

Mr. Osei Agyemang said it was the duty of all Christian men to join the Association to help fight the cause of Christianity.

Source: GNA

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