GNAT launches career progression policy for young members

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has launched a career progression programme for its young members.

Mr Joseph Kwaku Adjei, immediate past President of the Association, said the beneficiaries would be supported to build academic, professional and management capacities to better their lives.

This would be done through in-service training courses, encouraging the formation of subject teacher associations, while those with the flair to write text books would be encouraged to do so.

He said, this way, they would be motivated to take keen interest in the activities of the teachers’ organization.

The launch of the programme coincided with the GNAT’s annual delegates’ conference in Kumasi.

Mr Adjei noted that young teachers formed about 70 per cent of the association’s membership and that was why issues pertaining to their progress and welfare needed to be given priority by the leadership.

It is important to create opportunities for them to upgrade themselves and improve on their living conditions, he said.

Mrs Irene Duncun-Adanusa, General Secretary of GNAT, said they would do everything to ensure that young teachers are adequately represented and become active players in all of its structures.

Mr Thomas Musah, the Association’s National Youth Coordinator, welcomed the intervention and said it would help to prepare the teachers for leadership positions.

Mr Abuga Pele, National Coordinator of the Youth Employment Programme, (NYEP) urged the youth to get actively involved in national development issues.

Source: GNA

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