Residents request licensing of guns to fight armed robbers

The residents of Sumpini, Kojope and Janipe have appealed to the Northern Regional Police Command to license their weapons so they could fight armed robbers who operate along the Damango-Fufulso road.

The three farming communities in the Central Gonja and West Gonja districts have been experiencing armed robbery because of the bad nature of the road.

The people said the spate of the armed robbery along that stretch of road had increased considerably and the best way to deal with the situation was to defend themselves.

They made the appeal when the Northern Regional Police Commander, Deputy Commissioner of Police George Tuffuor, paid a working visit to the area to commend them for their quick reaction that resulted in the killing of four armed robbers recently.

The Police, in recognition of the positive role of the people in fighting crime, donated bags of rice, sugar, cartons of milk and boxes of Lipton tea for their fasting.

People from the three towns on August 2 and August 3, killed some Fulani herdsmen who had attacked passengers and made away with their money and other items.

The residents moved into action and killed some of the robbers in a gun battle.

DCOP Tuffuor promised to send a team of police personnel to screen and license their guns and pistols to enable them to defend themselves when attacked.

He said they had the constitutional rights to defend themselves, especially when confronted by the armed robbers but cautioned that people must not misuse the weapons when given the legal right to use them.

DCOP Tuffuor urged them to continue being good vigilantes against armed robbery to complement the efforts of the Police.

The District Chief Executive of Central Gonja, Mr. Salisu Be-Awuribe, commended the people and appealed to them to continue doing their best to reduce the robbery incidents in the area.

Source: GNA

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