NMC tasks local language broadcasters to be decorous

Local language broadcasters in Ghana were on Tuesday urged to assume a leadership role in educating voters to make informed decisions in this year’s elections.

“Broadcasters in the local language stations have the capacity of overcoming the barriers imposed by illiteracy and cost on newspapers, the internet and English language broadcasters,” a National Media Commission (NMC) document obtained by the Ghana News Agency stated.

The document stated that local broadcasters should design political programmes that would help the electorates to understand political parties and their candidates as well as their respective policies.

“This would enable the electorate to understand the voting processes and why their choice matters to the political efficacy of Ghana’s democracy”, the NMC guidelines on broadcasting stated.

On culture and decorum, the NMC appealed to local language broadcasters to avoid the use of expressions or insinuations that have the potential to incite hatred on the basis of political, religious, ethnic and chieftaincy differences.

The document cautioned local language broadcasters to make conscious efforts to refrain from expressing their personal political views in their quest to educate voters.

Source: GNA

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