Support farmers with agro-processing technologies – EDAIF

Agro-based research institutions have been urged to do more to support farmers with appropriate agro-processing technologies to maximize their incomes and improve their livelihood.

Mr. Hayford Baah-Adade, a Board Member of the Export Development and Agriculture Investment Fund (EDAIF), said the reliance on outmoded and traditional practices, leading to low crop yield, needed to end.

He said it was disturbing to see huge tons of farm produce perished annually on farmlands, particularly during bumper harvest, because farmers lacked the technology to add value or process their produce.

Mr. Baah-Adade was briefing the media in Kumasi on the EDAIF’s agriculture and agro-processing development and credit account introduced to assist farmers in agri-business trade-oriented activities.

Activities financed under this include product development and promotion, capacity-building and best industry practices, as well as development of initiatives and other innovations to modernize the agro-processing sector.

Mr. Baah-Adade said applications from farmer associations or cooperatives for support must be endorsed either by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) or Ministry of Trade and Industry before one could access the fund.

He said they would do everything to make sure that there was due diligence in it disbursement.

He reaffirmed their resolve to conduct the necessary appraisals and studies needed to determine areas that required to be helped.

Source: GNA

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