Minister bemoans lackadaisical attitude of some journalists

media2Dr Ephraim Avea Nsoh, Upper West Regional Minister, has bemoaned the  lackadaisical attitude of some media practitioners to call to duty by the Regional Coordinating Council.

He said the reluctance with which some pressmen responded to call to duty by the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) had been a source of worry since his assumption of office and appealed to them to take stock of their responsibilities to civil society.

He urged the media personnel to have a rethink of their attitude towards work and take stock of their everyday activities to help in the development agenda of the region as well as their progress as individuals.

Dr Nsoh was interacting with media personnel at a press soiree organized by the RCC to discuss issues that would enhance the development of the region with regards to media coverage of the minister’s and government programmes.

He appealed to the media to eschew all forms of misconduct and partisan interests in the discharge of their duties and maintain high professionalism and best practices.

Dr Nsoh urged hosts of radio programmes to be mindful of the sensibility of others and ensure balanced and objective discussion to help the listening public make informed decisions.

He called on the Upper West Regional Executives of the Ghana Journalists Association to be more proactive in its activities.

He gave the assurance that the RCC would continue to provide an enabling working environment for the media to carry out its mandate without any hindrance.

The media practitioners assured the RCC of their cooperation and hard work to enhance the development of the region.

Source: GNA

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