40 SHS students rush to hospital over suspected food poisoning

stethoscopeAbout forty students of the Twifo Praso Senior High School were on Wednesday rushed to the Twifo Praso Government Hospital for suspected food poisoning, the GNA gathered on Wednesday night.

They had complained of abdominal and stomach pains after having their evening meals.

When contacted, the District Chief Executive for Twifo-AttiMorkwa, Mr. BossmanOsei-Hyiamang told the GNA that all the students have been treated and discharged and are doing well, except two who are still on admission, with one having a serious menstrual crump, not associated with the issue.

He said he has asked the Medical Officer in charge of the Hospital to undertake a full-scale investigation into the cause of the problem for the necessary precautions to be taken.

Mr. Osei-Hyiamang allayed the fears of their parents; saying that, the children were safe and that they must not rush to the school.

Source: GNA

1 Comment
  1. Eunice nti says

    oh God have mercy and i wish them speady recovrey

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