Police will not tolerate lawlessness – Police Commander

Ghana PoliceDeputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) Akuriba Yaagy, Eastern Regional Police Commander, said his outfit would not tolerate any unruly behaviour in the region after the Supreme Court ruling on the 2012 Election Petition.

He, therefore, cautioned party leaders and supporters to be circumspect in the way they respond to the verdict.

DCOP Yaagy was speaking at the security services route march in Koforidua.

He said they would do all it took to protect the peace in the country and to maintain the nation’s positive image across the world.

The Regional Commander urged the media to preach the message of peace through their programmes.

Lieutenant Col. Fred Ntiri, Commanding Officer of the First Battalion Infantry, commended the security personnel for ensuring peace and order before, during and after the 2012 General Elections.

He said the route march was aimed at showcasing their preparedness to tackle any eventuality.

He said it was also to demonstrate to the general public the physical fitness and health status of the personnel as well as the unity, co-operation, understanding and high-morale among the security services.

Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Abass Abaah, Deputy Regional Commander, appealed to the personnel to maintain high standards of professionalism and be mindful of their duty to the state.

He urged them to deal firmly with all trouble makers without discrimination.

Source: GNA

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