Military Police arrests 50 year old imposter

The Ghana Military Police on September 11, 2013, arrested a 50 year old man, Asare Darko, at Burma Camp for posing as a retired colonel of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF).

Darko, who lives at Kordzor, a suburb of Teshie, was arrested by the Ghana Military Police when he attempted to gain favours while seeking admission for his ward at the Five Garrison Education Centre.

A statement signed by Lieutenant Commander M. A. Larbi of the Public Affairs Directorate of the GAF, copied to the Ghana News Agency on Saturday, said the Commanding Officer of the Ghana Military Police, Lieutenant Colonel Seth Agordekpe, noted that Darko’s claim to be a retired colonel and a mate to a serving officer of the rank of Lt Col raised suspicions.

“Accordingly he was being monitored when he departed the office of the Director of the Five Garrison Education Centre, leaving behind his two mobile phones.

“Upon his return to pick up his phones, he was arrested and handed over to the Cantonment Police,” the statement said.

In a related incident, the statement said one Daniel Azameti, a brother of a dismissed soldier, has been arrested by the Ghana Military Police for posing as a soldier on September 9, 2013, at Spintex.

It said the suspect was reported to have attempted to extort 2000 Ghana cedis from a brother of one Staff Sergeant Emmanuel Ampaabeng of Southern Command while pretending to assist him to be recruited into the GAF.

“The victim then reported the incident to his brother and arranged for the suspect to collect the money at a bank on the Spintex Road.

“They met the suspect wearing military uniform and immediately caused his arrest and subsequently the Ghana Military Police handed him over to the Cantonment Police for further investigations,” the statement said.

Source: GNA

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