SADA launches €10m irrigation project

irrigationThe Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) in collaboration with Wienco Ghana Limited has launched a 10 million Euro project on Integrated Water Management at the Mamprugu-Moaduri District for all season farming.

The Dutch Government, which is supporting the project, would contribute about 60% of the cost constituting six million Euros, Wienco Ghana Ltd contributing three million Euros while the Ghana Government, through the SADA, would contribute 800,000 Euros as infrastructural cost with the Wageningen University in the Netherlands contributing 600,000 Euros.

The phase I of the project, which spans five years, would take advantage of the available water and arable land resources to cultivate 400 hectares of irrigated food and cash crops model farms and turn it into an economic and commercial advantage for the people through a public private sector-led growth.

In the phase II, 20,000 to 120,000 hectares of arable land would be turned into economically viable productivity to upscale the area into the bread basket for the country by producing cash and food crops for local consumption and export by taking advantage of the Sisili-Kulpawn Basin in the newly created district.

Mr Tom Durang, Project Officer of Integrated Water Management of Wienco Ghana Ltd, said the organization, which was fully committed to the project, started work since April this year making good use of new technologies and conservation agriculture to turn around the fortunes of the people.

He said as part of the component of the project, water resources for domestic and agricultural purposes would be improved, health, educational and employable opportunities would also be made available to the people to enhance their lives through knowledge transfer.

Mr Hans Docter, Dutch Ambassador to Ghana, said the Netherlands Government was very proud to have been associated with the project adding; “we are much convinced the project will be a success”.

He said the project would create a new sense of development and turn the area into an economic advantage for the benefit of the people.

Dr Mustapha Mohammed Ahmed, Minister of State at the Presidency in-charge of Development Authorities, expressed optimism that SADA would co-ordinate activities to extend roads, water, electricity and other social infrastructure to the Mamprugu-Moaduri District since it was a newly created district with limited development activities.

He said the country had witnessed progress in an attempt to reduce poverty since 1992 and that “Government will continue to support the private sector to bring the needed development and improve the standard of living of the people”.

Alhaji Gilbert Seidu Iddi, Chief Executive Officer of SADA, said the project would improve the small scale farmer approach to agricultural production to a commercial and mechanized approach that would increase production and create wealth.

He appealed to the government and development partners to give SADA the needed financial and material support for it to achieve its mandate.

Mr Maxwell Mahama, District Chief Executive for Mamprugu-Moaduri, appealed for speedy development of the area adding that electricity, water, education and road networks are the most pressing needs of the people.

He said the district was always cut-off from the regional capital during the rainy season due to bad roads.

He commended the Government for establishing a senior high school in the area and appealed for a school bus and a nursing training college.

Source: GNA

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