Missionary says religious denominations should heal Ghana

CrowdMaulvi Yusuf Bin Salih, Eastern Regional Missionary of the Ahmediyya Muslim Mission, has said the proliferation of religious bodies should “heal” Ghana of vices such as immorality, deceit, division, noise making and exploitation rather than they being players of those societal cankers.

He said the religious denominations instead of being the mirror of the society by preaching the Word and exhibiting the attributes of God rather put up an eye-sore lifestyle.

“It is paradoxical that immorality is on the ascendency and we do not see much talks and discussions going on in the various religious gatherings as to how to tackle the menace but rather preach how to get rich quick,” he said.

Maulvi Bin Salih was speaking at the 125th Anniversary celebration of the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Koforidua at the week-end.

He said religion instead of becoming a unifying force was rather becoming a weapon of creating enmity between friends and families as well as becoming a means of exploitation of the gullible masses.

Maulvi Bin Salih urged religious leaders to avoid inculcating the menace of superstitious beliefs into the hearts of their people and to rather let them understand that real miracle can come through self discipline and prayers.

“People are not made to accept their faults, their omissions and commissions in life but are rather made to attribute their failures to certain witches or demons when in fact demon in Greek means a disease,” he said.

He said there was hardship in the society because there was no fairness and justice and “there is no mutual sympathy.”

He therefore called on Ghanaians to love one another and live in unity to enjoy God’s maximum blessings.

Ms Helen Adjoa Ntoso, the Eastern Regional Minister, urged Ghanaians, especially the religious bodies, to pray for the sustenance of peace and unity in the country so that development could be realized.

“The challenge of our time is not only to find a way to live in harmony with people who differ from us but to celebrate diversities and learn from the past,” she said.

Daasebre Professor Emeritus Oti Boateng, Omanhene of New Juaben Traditional Area, called for a redesign of Ghana’s governance system so that it would be deeply rooted in the traditional system.

He noted “by that the governance system would not be littered with injustices.”

Daasebre Oti Boateng called for a national debate on the issue of “winner takes all,” since that concept generates fury in the hearts of opposition members which to a large extent creates fear and panic in the country.

In a sermon, Pastor Dr Kwame Kwaning Boakye, General Secretary of the SDA Church-Ghana, urged Christians to be agents of peace bringing unity among Ghanaians.

The SDA Church, in their 125 years of existence, has built 600 basic schools, 14 senior high schools, three tertiary institutions, 12 hospitals, 10 clinics, one pharmacy and a relief agency.

Source: GNA

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