Three suspected criminals remanded

prisonThe vigilance of a Neighbourhood Watch Committee at Nobewan in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality led to the arrest of three suspected criminals.

Kofi Gyebi, Kwasi Boateng and Yaw Isaac, were found with a locally manufactured pistol, two live cartridges, pliers and a spanner.

They were put before the Juaso Circuit Court on Tuesday, charged with conspiracy to commit crime and remanded into prison custody.

Their pleas were not taken and they were ordered to return to the dock on Thursday, September 26.

Police Detective Inspector Daniel Oduro, told the court presided over by Mr Alex Obeng Asante that Nobewan, a community lying on the Kumasi-Accra Highway has for some time now been experiencing the theft of electricity meters and livestock.

On August 22, the accused persons who, live at Obuasi drove to the town in a taxi at about 0130 hours, parked the vehicle and set out on their criminal mission.

They were confronted by the Neighbourhood Watch Committee, which demanded to know their identities and why they were at the location at that odd hour.

The accused could not provide any convincing reasons and a body search on them  uncovered the gun and other implements.

Four car batteries were also found in the taxi.

They were consequently arrested and handed over to the Konongo Police.

The taxi has been impounded while efforts are being made to trace the owner.

Source: GNA

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