1,500 persons to benefit from new CHIPS compound in Ayensuano District

A Community Health and Planning Service (CHIPS) Compound estimated at GHC200,000 has been inaugurated at Kwaboanta in the Ayensuano District.

The facility will serve a population of about 1,500 people within the community and others around.

The 13-room building has been provided with two poly tanks with capacity for 1,800 litres for harvesting rainwater to support the running of the facility.

Mr Joshua Wettey, Area Development Programme Manager of World Vision, Ghana, said the Programme, in collaboration with the District Assembly, provided the facility and that the facility had helped to improve access to health care for boys, girls, men and women in the catchment area.

Mr Wettey appealed to the people to register with the National Health Insurance Scheme.

Mr Wettey said the Programme’s goal was to improve health conditions of boys, girls, men and women in the catchment area.

Throwing more light on the Project, he said the Kraboa-Coaltar Area Development Programme (KC ADP) was established in October 1998 and had made greater impact on the people, especially children.

He said other areas where the Programme had given support to HIV and AIDS, Child Rights and Protection and local institution building.

Mr Wettey gave highlights of WV ADP Educational activities in the area as 1,310 basic school children learning in eight classrooms blocks with office, store and library.

Others are two kindergarten blocks and one seven-unit teachers’ accommodation which the ADP helped to build.

He said in collaboration with the District Directorate of Education, the capacity of 700 teachers had been built in teaching methodologies and preparation of teaching and learning materials.

About 200 brilliant but needy girls who used to drop out of school due to poverty by their parents were given educational support and have been retained in school.

Source: GNA

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