Promote quality education in rural areas – Proprietress

School under treeProprietors of private schools would greatly supplement government’s efforts in providing quality education to Ghanaian children if they could extend their facilities to the door-steps of the rural people.

Madam Kissiwa Osei, Director and Proprietress of Roka International School made the suggestion after she had taken newsmen round to inspect her ultra-modern new school complex at Fise Township, near Amasaman, in the Ga West Municipality of the Greater Accra Region.

She said this would help close the teaching and learning gap between the less-endowed rural schools and the well-endowed ones in areas like Cantonment, Airport Residential, East Legon and others in Accra.

The school, which is located on an acre of land, has 32 classrooms, from the crèche to Junior High School (JHS), with facilities like a science laboratory, libraries, computer science laboratory, dinning-hall with kitchen, and a sickbay (infirmary).

The rest are, an administration block, games complex (basketball, lawn tennis, handball, netball, football), among others, with a recreational centre for socialization.

The new school complex would be inaugurated on Saturday, October 5, 2013.

Madam Osei said bringing such educational facilities to the poor communities like Fise with affordable fees would go a long way in assisting the children around those areas to improve on their teaching and learning whilst it would also help face-lift the area.

She said the school was established 14 years ago and that the project was funded from the proceeds of school fees and other activities. It has a population of 820, with 44 teachers and 10 non-teaching staff.

The school has been scoring 100 per cent in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) with distinctions over the years up-to-date, including the recently announced 2013 results.

Source: GNA

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