Disregard rumours about Dr Nduom standing in 2016 – Volunteers

The Volunteers for Nduom 2016 (VN16), a youth organisation within the Progressive People’s Party (PPP) on Wednesday called on the public to dispel rumours and reports that Dr Papa Kewsi Ndoum is not standing in the 2016 Election.
Mr Richard Nii Amarh, National Coordinator of VN16, at a press conference in Accra, said the rumours were attempts by the party’s opponents to confuse Ghanaians, even though Dr Nduom was the most competent candidate to lead the PPP to victory.
He said the VN16 endorsed Dr Nduom as a strong, experienced, result-oriented, approachable person capable of turning around the current economic situation of the country for the better and urged Dr Nduom, as the founder of the PPP, not to abandon the party and Ghana, as his services were most needed.
“The Organisation believes that Dr Nduom is the one capable of solving the numerous problems facing the country presently if given the mandate as president”.
Nii Amarh said Dr Nduom had practically demonstrated his competence and credibility and leadership skills in management by establishing over 50 business entities, not only to provide employment and livelihood for over 5,000 individuals and their families, but also ensures quality services for enhanced national development.
He said his excellent advice and hard work as a Minister of State in the Kuffuor administration led to significant changes in the development of the country.
He however blamed past and present governments for the current mess including the growing unemployment rates saying, they failed to do the right things when presented with available options.
He cited the poor state of health of Ghanaians, environmental challenges, energy crisis, poor water supply among other things as unacceptable, saying, “we had all been aware of the growth rate of our population and we had been warned of the current global warming that has affected rainfall patterns”.
He said in spite of the warnings, successive governments had made no adequate projections and has also not implemented plans that would ensure an increase in the generation capacity of potable water and electricity to commensurate the population growth.
“Today, the economic condition of the country is that of severe hardship. Babies are dying because of ‘dumsor’ and the absence of incubators in our hospitals”, he said.
He said, “We have allowed cholera to kill our people when the liquid waste and refuse, the main cause of the disease, can be used to provide gas fuel for cooking and even power thermal plants when managed properly”.
He said in the view of the VN16, Ghana had been mismanaged, because with all the abundant resources, both natural and human, bad leadership had succeeded in disintegrating her societies and left majority of the people impoverished.
He spoke about the worsening unemployment situation, as existing companies were currently unable to expand and absorb more hands, while new ones only register and remained non-operational due to unchecked and unfair competition from foreign companies.
Source: GNA