Ghana government to establish more Rural Technology Facilities – Trade Minister

Ekow Spio-Garbrah - Minister of Trade
Ekow Spio-Garbrah – Minister of Trade

The government has earmarked more than $15 million for the establishment of 30 additional Rural Technology Facilities (RTF) under the Rural Enterprise Project (REP) of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

The Facilities are to augment the 21 existing ones and to enhance the promotion and transfer of appropriate technologies to rural businesses and contribute to employment generation in the country.

Dr Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, the Minister of Trade and Industry, said this on Thursday during a graduation ceremony for technical students of the Goaso and Bechem RTF training schools.

The 20 graduates, who underwent a three-year skills training in metal machinery, welding and fabrication, were presented with certificates and free start up kits to establish their businesses.

Dr Spio-Garbrah said hostels would be constructed for some of the selected RTFs, to house trainees and others who patronise the center for their practical attachment.

He said without technology and innovation, industrialisation, which facilitated accelerated national development would not occur and advised all stakeholders to play their part to ensure that these facilities remained viable and sustainable to support the development of rural businesses.

The Sector Minister commended the African Development Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development for their support in financing the implementation of the REP.

Mr Kwasi Attah-Antwi, the National Director of the REP, said the RTFs continued to provide opportunities for students from universities and other technical institutions to do their practical attachment on short-term basis.

He said the facilities also manufactured agricultural related equipment, spare-parts and provided repair services for the local communities.

Mr Attah-Antwi said under the current REP, the students were taken through not only the practical technical training, but also learned subjects like Entrepreneurship, Technical Drawing, Mathematics and English Language to effectively prepare them for the job market.

At the end of their three-year training the students also sat for the National Vocational and Training Institute (NVTI) Certificate examination, he said.

Source: GNA

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