I deserve a medal for bringing the power barge home – Power Minister

The Power Minister, Dr Kwabena Donkor, has highly sang his own praises at the Tema Harbour, where the Karpower barge from Turkey has finally docked.
‘Once again, our detractors are going to question the wisdom in inaugurating the mere arrival of an item which is already so many months late. To these cynical sceptics, I have only one answer: “Sod off! We are having a party here, take your cynicism elsewhere.”’
He also called on the president, John Mahama, to award him a national medal for ensuring that the power barge eventually arrived in Ghanaian waters.
He was tight-lipped about when Dumsor will end now that the power barge has arrived, but he had this to say:
‘Man proposes, God disposes: I can’t tell you when the power barge will start operating, or how we are going to secure fuel for its operation, or even when Dumsor will end. But one thing I am sure of, that the good Lord who safely navigated the power barge to Ghana will also bring an end to Dumsor. But even if he doesn’t, I am still not going to resign when my one-year Dumsor deadline arrives.’
Editor’s note: The ‘Inside the News by Mpakoo’ column which appears every Monday exclusively on ghanabusinessnews.com is satire.
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