Model Confucius Institute to be constructed at University of Ghana

University of GhanaA model Confucius Institute would be constructed at the University of Ghana, Legon.

Estimated to cost $800,000, the Institute is expected to promote Ghana-China relations, by promoting Chinese culture and learning.

Madam Sun Baohong, Chinese Ambassador to Ghana, said the building was a reflection of the long standing bilateral relations between China and Ghana.

She said both Ghana and China placed great value on education, adding that the Institute, sought to teach skills such as electrical and auto mechanic skills.

Madam Sun said one requirement for the progress of any nation was quality skills and talents.
“Cultivating talents, however, is a long term affair and requires concerted efforts from all stake-holders in the educational sector,” she said.

The Chinese Ambassador said whilst young people had to pursue their dreams through developing their talents and skills, these pursuits, when well guided and nurtured, ultimately resulted in national progress.

She expressed appreciation to the Directors of the Institute, as well as the University authorities, adding that the Institute would strengthen the progressive bilateral relations between the two countries.

Professor Ernest Aryeetey, Vice Chancellor of the University of Ghana, said the University was keen on contributing its quota towards improved relations between Ghana and China.
“China and the rest of the world are now coming together because of a number of converging reasons. We would like to go beyond merely experiencing Chinese technology, to develop a much more deepened relationship with the Chinese,” he said.

Professor Aryeetey said the new Confucius Institute, would help the University to advance the study of other languages and cultures, which was of great use in the over-all intellectual development of students.

Presently, the Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana, is housed in one of the University’s departments.

The Institute which was established in May 2013 started running in April 2014, seeks to promote friendship between Ghana and China.

Currently the Confucius Institute offers courses in Chinese Language Proficiency, Business Chinese, HSK Preparation, Chinese Tea Culture, Chinese Taichi, Chinese Calligraphy and Traditrional Chinese medicine.

Only five percent of the World’s Confucius Institutes, have the honour to be conferred with the title, “Model Confucius Institute.”

Funding for the project is being provided by the Headquarters of the Confucius Institute in Hanban, China.

The building which would consist of a 250-seater auditorium, a multi-media room, lecture rooms, a car park amongst other facilities, is expected to be completed within a year.

Source: GNA

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