EC is resolute to deliver credible polls – EC Boss

Charlotte Osei - EC Chair
Charlotte Osei – EC Chair

The Electoral Commission (EC) is resolute in doing everything to deliver lawful, as well as credible, fair, transparent and inclusive polls on December 7.

Mrs Charlotte Osei, the EC Chairperson, said: “I am confident we will succeed. We have history with us; we have a reputation for delivery in Africa.”

“I am convinced that our recent innovation and reforms have strengthened us, and have modernized us as an institution.”

She said the reforms the Commission had embarked upon would empower it deliver another credible polls on December 7, which would help Ghana further consolidate its 24 years of democratic and electoral success.

Mrs Osei said this at the Royal Institute of International Affairs- Chatham House, in London, a copy of which was made available to the Ghana News Agency.

Speaking on the theme: “Ghana’s 2016 elections: processes and priorities of the Electoral Commission,” Mrs Osei urged international stakeholders to begin to hold African politicians to a higher level of scrutiny discourse during African elections; saying this would promote free, fair and transparent elections on the continent.

She dismissed claims that the Commission is subject to political interference.

She said the EC had instituted a whole suite of legal measures to ensure that the December 7 polls are as transparent as possible.

Mrs Osei said Ghana’s electoral system is strong and more transparent than most electoral systems globally, which makes it impossible for anyone to rig the election.

She said this year, the Commission is engaging over 145,000 officers to help conduct the polls.

Mrs Osei said one of the greatest challenges facing Ghana’s election is the potential for the media to call the election results ahead of the EC, which may tend to create confusion in the minds of the voting public.

“We have identified at least 81 constituencies as hotspots with the probability of election related violence and we are working closely with the police, who have themselves identified over 5,000 polling stations as hotspots.

“I am happy to report that the Police Administration has assured us of their readiness to deal with the full force of the law with anyone who attempts to break the peace at any of the 29,000 polling stations on Election Day,” the EC Chairperson said.

Source: GNA

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