Unemployed sentenced to 10 years for conspiracy to rob

A former worker in the community affairs department of Goldfields Ghana Limited (GGL), Tarkwa Mine has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in hard labour for conspiracy to commit robbery.  

Ahmed Adusa, the convict, pleaded not guilty to the charge, but was found guilty after trial.  

Prosecuting, Detective Chief Inspector Oscar Amponsah told the court, presided over by Mr Justice Emmanuel Bart-Plange Brew, that the complainants are security officers of GGL, Tarkwa Mine. 

He said on August 11, the convict, whose appointment with GGL was terminated and banned from entering the company’s premises due to alleged robbery cases and his two accomplices Michael Zibone and another person whose identity was unknown conspired to rob GGL. 

Chief Inspector Amponsah said on the said date around 2050 hours, Ahmed and his accomplices entered the company’s premises in a Kia Pride taxi driven by Zibone. 

He said the convict and his accomplices who carried two pistols one locally manufactured and the other foreign then proceeded to the Community Affairs block of the mine and broke a wooden door leading to the archives department. 

Chief Inspector Amponsah said a witness in the case, who saw Ahmed in the company’s branded T shirt, alerted the security guards on duty and they raised the alarm. 

He said sensing danger, Ahmed took to his heels, but he was arrested by the guards at the company’s old mine yard which is about 200 meters from the Community Affairs block. 

Chief Inspector Amponsah said Zibone and the third accused person who were then waiting for Ahmed in the taxi parked in front of the Community Affairs block sped off to escape arrest. 

He said they later abandoned the taxi at the Apinto Estate bus stop and hid the arms and ammunitions in a bush close to a wire mesh fence before they made their escape.  

He said Ahmed was handed over to the police with the two pistols with 21 AAA cartridges and eight rounds of point 410 ammunitions.

Source: GNA

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