Koku Anyidoho charged with treason

Koku Anyidoho

Koku Anyidoho, deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) was on Tuesday charged with treason after his after arrest earlier in the day.

The Party’s General Secretary, Mr Johson Asiedu Nketia speaking to the supporters said Mr Anyidoho was whisked away from the Police Headquarters to an unknown location.

Mr Anyidoho was arrested in afternoon at the International Press Centre after the leadership of the party in collaboration with other individuals from other political parties had held a press conference to announce a colossal demonstration against government for ratifying the controversial Ghana-US Military Cooperation agreement.

The deputy General Secretary who refused to go with the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ghana Police, decided to walk from the Press Centre to the Police Headquarters.

He was arrested for his comment on a local television station that there would be civil coup in Ghana if the government goes ahead with the agreement and history of 1972 will repeat itself.

His comments has been described as treasonable, hence, his arrest.

At the Police Headquarters to give support to Mr Anyidoho were NDC Chairman Mr Kofi Putorphy, the General Secretary, Mr Aseidu Nketiah, Mr Kofi Adams, National Organiser, Mr Harry Zahkor, Vice Chairman and Madam Joyce Zenab Mahama, Women’s Organiser.

Hundreds of supporters had also converged at the Police headquarters to demand the release of Koku Anyidoho.

Source: GNA

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