President urges stronger partnerships between Ghana and Cuba

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on Thursday urged the expansion of bilateral cooperation between Ghana and the Northern Caribbean Nation of Cuba.

He said the prospects for scaling-up economic relations between the two countries are considerable, and “I have no doubt, that, together, we can forge a new, strong partnership for co-operation between our two nations for the mutual benefit”.

The President made the call when he held bilateral discussions with Cuban leader Miguel Diaz-Canel, as part of his three-day official visit to that country.

He noted that his visit to that country is “to continue the process of developing stronger ties between our two countries, as well as exploring new areas of co-operation to the mutual benefits of our people.”

At the diplomatic level, Ghana and Cuba have maintained relations since 1959. Indeed, Ghana was the first African country to establish diplomatic relations with the Government of the Cuban Revolution. Since then, officials of the two countries have exchanged high level visits.

Ghana, President Akufo-Addo stated, is grateful to Cuba, through the Cuban Medical Brigade of some two hundred and twenty-seven (227) medical doctors, for the medically-related services they are providing the people of Ghana.

“Six hundred (600) Ghanaian students have been given scholarships by the Cuban government since 2000, with some three thousand (3,000) Ghanaians benefiting from this arrangement in previous years. I am glad to note that, during this visit, new arrangements have been concluded to cover two hundred (200) more Ghanaian students to study medicine here. “

“The co-operation between our two countries is being extended to the eradication of malaria, and soon, through a joint venture agreement with Labiofam S.A., a bio-larvicide factory will be established in Savelugu, in the Northern Region of Ghana.”

An agreement, he added, is also being reached for the sale of Ghana’s cocoa liquor to the Stella S.A. chocolate factory in Cuba, stressing that “we want to examine the possibility of Stella S.A. establishing a manufacturing facility in Ghana.”

Source: GNA

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