Ghana Business News was started in December 2008. For 14 years, we have continued to do exemplary, critical journalism that serves the public interest.
Since December 23, 2022, we have been raising funds to support the important work that we do. We had hoped that if just 2000 people donated GHS30, we will reach our target.
As at today January 3, 2022, some 77 donors have donated a total of GHS11,695.17.
We deeply value your donations. We know you are giving from your heart because you believe in the uncontested importance of the kind of journalism we do and the extent to which that has been beneficial in so many ways – including but not limited to the impact on the country.
As we are online, it is easy to track and ascertain the contributions we have made to journalism and its development in Ghana as well as the national well being in holding power to account and demanding accountability.
Through the work we do with Ghana Business News, and NewsBridge Africa we have also trained more than 400 people across Africa in journalism and communication strategy and skills.
Our Managing Editor has lectured in journalism schools around the world and inspired many young students hoping to take the path of doing journalism that benefits society.
We have done all these with some occasional support from some of you, but largely depending on our own limited resources in the pursuit of serving the greater public interest, which is the supreme responsibility of journalism.
Some of our exclusive, remarkable and impactful works include but not limited to the following:
Ghana and the rosewood curse
When the final stock is eventually taken, the illegal logging of rosewood would be found to have left a deep scar on Ghana and mostly its vulnerable people and communities. The level of illegal logging of the precious tree species for export has left a gaping hole in the Savannah forests of the country’s northern regions, largely poor and far behind on the development index.
Poor quality food, stark malnutrition in children of Mion District, despite school feeding programme
It was past 10:00am the morning we visited; and the children looked excited as they play on the school grounds, giggling, smiling, running and chatting. They were carrying and flaunting their bowls around; some plastic, some metallic. They have just finished eating the meal for the day. They are the few lucky ones in the Mion District whose basic school is on the Ghana School Feeding Programme. At least they get one meal a day, whenever food is available and it is prepared, but the quality of the food is questionable. And for the children who don’t eat at home before they head to school, the school meal is likely to be their only meal for the day, and yet it contains no animal protein of any kind.
Why did the NCA in Ghana acquire Israeli company NSO’s Pegasus?
There is something ominous about the entire transaction. It’s a chilling reality, but Ghanaians are oblivious of it. And not many Ghanaian journalists have ever heard of Pegasus or the company that sells that product, Israeli company, NSO. But the National Communications Authority (NCA), the Ghana government regulator of telecommunications has actually bought Pegasus! But for what?
Hooked: Sports betting addiction in Ghana youth
With a betting slip in his hands, Joel, a 32-year-old man wearing a white shirt and a pair of black shorts, cautiously gives an analogy: “Just like someone who is smoking. I am not saying am addicted, but betting has become part of me. I’m finding a way to stop it because it can’t help me.”
Like Joel, there are many young Ghanaians, mostly men, there are some women too, who are gradually succumbing to the lure of sports betting with the hope that one day, they would win big.
We believe the target is achievable within the shortest possible time, and we are calling on as many of you who haven’t as yet donated, to consider donating to these causes – journalism and training of one intern for a year.
Some of the interns that have passed through Ghana Business News are Ekow Quandzie, Josephine Akonor, Pamela Ofori-Boateng, Emmanuel Odonkor and Bismark Elorm Addo, to mention just a few, and these people have continued to show remarkable commitment to Ghana and in their individual roles across the world.
We thank all of you who have made donations. If you haven’t yet, we hope you would soon.
You can donate through Mobile Money on +233244699845. You may reach out if you want to make donations through other means, at [email protected].
Thank you, once again and Happy New Year.
Emmanuel K Dogbevi
Managing Editor