Presbyterian University, Ghana, to establish an Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

The Presbyterian University, Ghana (PUG) is to establish an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Laboratory to enhance teaching and learning of Information Communication Technology (ICT).

The a-million-dollar project is to be sponsored and constructed by Virtual Security Africa, a company in the ICT space, under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana.

Reverend Dr Nana Opare Kwakye, Moderator of the PCG and Chancellor of the University, has announced.

Speaking at the 6th congregation of the school of graduate studies, the Chancellor indicated that plans were also advanced to expand programmes run by the University as well as improve human resources.

To continue where his predecessor left off, the Moderator pledged GHC100,000 cedis on behalf of the church to be utilized into scholarship and bursary support for Presbyterian students studying at the university.

He said Ghana stood at the brink of a new era with the upcoming national elections and reminded the graduands that as educated citizens they had a critical role to play in shaping the future of the country.

 In all, 341 students in various Masters programmes graduated comprising 224 males and 117 females.

The Master of Public Health programme had the highest number of graduates, comprising 117 males and 57 females, totaling 174, followed by others in Master of Education, Master in International Development and Master of Science in Natural Resources Management, respectively.  

Professor John Ofosu Anim, Vice Chancellor of the University, said with a graduate degree came not only knowledge but also “a duty to apply that knowledge ethically and for the betterment of society.”

The Vice Chancellor said the world today faced complex challenges, be it social, economic, or environmental, and expressed the hope that these graduates were equipped with the skills and expertise to confront the challenges head-on.

He encouraged the graduands to embrace new opportunities with courage and conviction and never stop pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

“Furthermore, I urge you to uphold the values of integrity and compassion in everything you do, let empathy be your compass as you navigate the complexities of the professional world, embrace diversity and inclusivity, and champion equality wherever you go” he said.

Source: GNA

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