Cashier jailed18 months for stealing GH¢41,000

The Winneba Magistrate’s Court has sentenced a 24- year-old cashier to18 months  imprisonment for dishonestly appropriating cash of GH¢41,000.00, belonging to Awutu- Effutu-Senya Teachers Cooperative Credit Union.

Evans Ewuah pleaded guilty and implored the court to give him time to refund the money, however, the Court presided over by Madam Josephine Fosua Appiah convicted him on his own plea and sentenced him accordingly.

Prosecuting, Detective Police Inspector Dorinda Azumah told the Court that the complainant, Mr Benjamin Nana Yamoah, is the board chair of Awutu-Effutu-Senya Teachers Cooperative Credit Union, while   Ewuah was a cashier of Credit Union’s branch at Winneba.

The prosecutor stated that the complainant and the convict both reside at Winneba.

She said, in November 2023, Ms Stella Nana Adwoa Acquah, Winneba branch manager, detected that the convict had embezzled an amount of GH¢41,767.00 from the company’s account.

According to her, Ewuah was made to pay back the money and was as well suspended while the bank audited his books to know the actual amount he had embezzled.

Detective Inspector Azumah stated that on March 1, 2024, at about 1400 hours, it was detected that another amount of GH¢41,000 had been withdrawn from three of their customers’ accounts.

The prosecutor said the branch manager informed Mr Yamoah about the deal and the bank invited the convict to the office in Winneba and when he was questioned by the manager he admitted having dishonestly appropriated monies from the customers’ accounts.

The complainant reported the case to the police which subsequently arrested Awuah and when he was interrogated, he admitted the offence.

Source: GNA

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