KsTU admits 10,667 new students for 2024/2025 academic year 

The Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) has offered admission to a total of 10,667 new students to pursue various programmes of studies for the 2024/2025 academic year. 

The number comprises 6,946 males representing 65.2 percent and 3,721 females pegging 34.8 percent. 

Professor Gabriel Dwomoh, Vice-Chancellor, who announced this, said the number involved 10,339 undergraduates, 259 postgraduates and 69 international students for this year. 

He was speaking at the 33rd Matriculation ceremony for the students in Kumasi. 

 He added that the University for the first time, and as part of its long-term development plan, was holding the second session of the matriculation at its Adako Jachie Campus. 

The KsTU currently has the Faculties of Built and Natural Environment, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development as well as the Creative Arts and Technology operating on the Adako Jachie Campus. 

Prof Dwomoh reminded the students that the matriculation oath signified a contract between learners and the University and breaking such commitment could jeopardize their academic progression. 

He said the institution as a leading Technical University in Ghana, maintained high academic standards and would not compromise the goals to achieve excellence. 

The Vice-Chancellor advised the students to be responsible and build useful networks in positioning themselves to higher academic accomplishments. 

They should avoid all forms of examination malpractice, which could lead to their dismissals. 

Prof. Dwomoh admonished students to use social media wisely, describing the space as a “hydra-headed monster” which had the tendency to shift students focus from the goal for which they were in school. 

“While we concede that social media is a very useful avenue for information, it should be borne in mind that by the same token, it could also be a potent recipe for brewing misinformation and disinformation. 

It is therefore important to filter the various content you read from social media so that you are not miseducated,” he counselled. 

Source: GNA 

  1. CG says

    Just wondering if the KsTU does have the facilities to provide quality education to 10,000 new, and perhaps another 30,000 continuing students. Or it’s a matter of quantity?

  2. Billy Ike says

    Wow, 10,000 plus students at Kumasi Technical University. Gradually the university is getting better but they need more facilities

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