Labourer jailed seven years for defilement

A fifty-two-year-old labourer has been sentenced to seven years imprisonment in hard labour by the Juaso Circuit Court for defilement.

Fatao Seidu was accused of defiling a 10-year girl at Juaso on December 21, 2012, a charge he denied.

Police Inspector Manasseh Obimpe told the Court presided over by Mr Alex Obeng Asante that the mother of the victim had left her shop in the girl’s care and travelled to Konongo.

He said the convict under the pretext of buying an item, took advantage of her absence to sexually abuse the girl.

He said a day after the incident, the mother detected a change in  the disposition of the victim who could also not walk properly.

Inspector Obimpe said that made the mother prodded the little girl to find out what had gone wrong.

He said the victim then revealed her traumatic experience,  which led the mother to make a formal report to the police and the subsequent arrest of the convict.

Source: GNA

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