Media must report more on partner violence – ARK Foundation

media2The media have been urged to intensify reportage on Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence (IPSV) to stem the canker.

The ARK Foundation, an advocacy-based women and children’s human rights non-governmental organisation, made the call at a workshop for journalists in the Eastern Region on Monday.

The workshop, funded by the African Women Development Fund (AWDF), was aimed at urging journalists to increase their reportage on IPSV in the country.

Ms Marian Atta-Boahene, Deputy Executive Director of the ARK Foundation, underscored the need for the media to intensify education on IPSV to save partners whose human rights were being abused.

She said the Ghanaian media were doing well in reporting some violations against the vulnerable in society but “there is still more you can do; you need to make follow ups on cases.”

“Journalists should develop more interest in covering abuse within relationships since nearly 12 million of women and three million men are suffering every year across the world,” she added.

Mr Samuel Kusi-Berko, Deputy Programmes Manager of the Foundation, urged men who also suffered some abuse from their female partners to report such cases to the appropriate bodies for redress.

He appealed to men and women to attach value to their partners since that could help them appreciate and build upon their weaknesses for a happier life.

Source: GNA

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