NDC statement on conduct of Attorney-General Godfred Dame in ambulance case

Godfred Dame

We publish below the full statement from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on the conduct of the Attorney-General Godfred Dame in the ambulances purchase case before court.

Good afternoon, distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the media. 

I welcome you on behalf of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), to this  crucial Moment of Truth press conference.  

We have called you here over a very grave matter that has the potential to  completely undermine the administration of justice in Ghana. 

As you may be aware, since late 2021, the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government has  been persecuting the Minority Leader in Parliament, Hon. Dr. Cassiel AtoForson,  over the purchase of some ambulances by the Ministry of Health under the  erstwhile NDC/Mahama government.  

As a law-abiding political party, we have restrained ourselves from commenting on  this matter publicly. This is because we respect the principle that matters pending  in court should not be commented on in a manner that prejudices the outcome.  We therefore have no intention of doing so today.  

However, in the light of repeated falsehoods, deliberate misrepresentations and  distortions churned out by Attorney-General Godfred Yeboah Dame and NPP  propagandists, we are compelled to correct certain misconceptions in the public  domain about the said ambulance transaction and situate this discussion in its  proper context.  

This is without prejudice to any matters pending before the law courts in this case.

Every reasonable person would agree that, it will be irresponsible of us to sit aloof  and allow deliberate falsehood to be peddled about us without putting out the  truth.  

  1. For the avoidance of doubt, the specific claim that the Attorney-General has  based his persecution of the Minority Leader on is that, in the Attorney-General’s  view, there has been financial loss to the state because he as Deputy Minister of  Finance, wrote letters to the Bank of Ghana requesting the Bank to set up Letters  of Credit in favour of Big Sea Trading Limited of Dubai, suppliers of the  ambulances in question, without authorisation from his then boss and Finance  Minister, Hon. Seth Terkper. This is publicly available information captured in the  records of the High Court, Accra. 
  2. It is also a matter of public record, that Hon. Seth Terkper has appeared before  the trial court and stated unequivocally under oath that he gave express  authorisation to his then Deputy Minister of Finance, Hon. Ato Forson, to write  the said letters to the Bank of Ghana for Letters of Credit to be established in  respect of the ambulance transaction. This authorisation is evidenced by the seal  of the Ministry of Finance that is apparent on the face of the letter written by  Hon. Ato Forson. 
  3. It is instructive to note that the establishment of the Letters of Credit was done  on the advice of the Attorney-General then, that failure to do so was going to  make it difficult for the Government of Ghana to defend any suit brought by Big  Sea Trading for breach of contract. 
  4. Godfred Dame and hordes of NPP propagandists also continue to falsely claim  that the NDC government brought in ordinary vans purporting to be ambulances  without medical equipment under the said transaction.
  5. We want to state emphatically that the first set of 30 ambulances supplied  under the transaction arrived in the country with the necessary fittings in them  sometime in the year 2015.  

On the screen are pictures of the exterior and interior of the ambulances as they  arrived in the country. It is clear from these pictures that the ambulances that  were procured were not empty vans as claimed by dishonest Godfred Dame and  the NPP.  

  1. In addition, a container load of medical equipment to be installed in these  ambulances were shipped by Big Sea and arrived in the country around the end of  2016. Sadly, these medical equipment have been sitting at the Tema port for the  last eight (8) years because this government, specifically the Ministry of Health,  which is the consignee, has refused to clear them just so they can falsely claim  that there were no equipment. 

Once again, we have projected on the screen a copy of the bill of lading dated 8th  October, 2016 covering this shipment. As can be seen, this container has 30 sets  of medical equipment and defibrillators for installation, as well as spare parts for  the 30 ambulances. 

  1. All that was required for this government to do was to clear the medical  equipment from the ports and give engineers of Big Sea access to the ambulances, which have since been parked at the Airforce Base in Accra, to install them, train  personnel of the Ghana Ambulance Service to use them and then formally take  possession of the said ambulances. 
  2. It therefore makes no sense that after refusing to do this simple task and  allowing the ambulances to deteriorate for 8 years, Godfred Dame would turn  around to persecute Hon. Ato Forson for allegedly causing financial loss to the  State, when that loss has been clearly occasioned by the deliberate negligence of  the government he represents. 
  3. We firmly believe that the decision to take the Minority Leader and some  others to Court over this matter was born out of a malicious, sinister and wicked  desire to silence him through unjust imprisonment and nothing more.  

As we publicly stated from the very outset of this case, the timing and  circumstances of this so-called prosecution, show that it was instituted mainly to  intimidate and silence the then ranking member on Finance, now Minority Leader,  following his vehement opposition to the government’s 2022 budget, the E-levy  and the general economic mismanagement by the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia  government. This is the very embodiment of political witch-hunt and persecution. 

Having set out the factual background of this whole matter, I will now proceed to  address certain grave matters that have emerged from the ongoing trial, which  border on professional misconduct and crime on the part of the Attorney-General,  Godfred Yeboah Dame.  

  1. Ladies and gentlemen of the media, last Thursday, 23rd May 2024, the 3rd  Accused person in this case, Richard Jakpa, took the stand to be cross-examined  by counsel for Dr. Ato Forson. During this cross-examination, Attorney-General  Godfred Dame, shot up from his seat to accuse Mr. Richard Jakpa of defending Dr.  Ato Forson rather than himself. 
  2. In response to the Attorney-General’s accusation, Mr. Jakpa who was testifying  under oath and felt attacked without provocation, dropped a bombshell that  Godfred Yeboah Dame, the Attorney-General, has been having clandestine  meetings and telephone conversations with him at odd hours to persuade him to  falsely testify against the Minority Leader, Dr. Ato Forson, so that the prosecution  can secure a conviction. This testimony by Mr. Jakpa was given to the court under  oath and captured by the court’s record. 
  3. At last Thursday’s hearing, the Attorney-General who was personally present  in court, could not object to this damning evidence of Mr. Jakpa. He did not deny  calling and meeting Jakpa at odd hours. Neither did he deny Jakpa’s claim that he  has been impressing on him to skew his testimony in a manner that will allow the  State to secure a conviction against the Minority Leader. 
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, in the period following these startling  revelations, the National Democratic Congress, has obtained compelling evidence  which supports Mr. Richard Jakpa’s claim that the Attorney-General indeed has  engaged him on countless occasions and urged him to falsify his testimony to aid  the case of the Attorney-General against Dr. Ato Forson. 
  5. This evidence points to a devious, diabolic and dangerous plan by the  Attorney-General to secure conviction against Minority Leader Dr. Ato Forson at all  cost, contrary to what the 3rd Accused knows and believes to be the truth. 
  6. We have in our possession a series of recordings in which the Attorney General, Godfred Dame, is clearly heard goading, urging, impressing upon and  coaching Mr. Jakpa to bear false testimony against the Minority Leader, Dr. Ato  Forson.  

All of this desperate subornation by Mr. Dame is just because he is hellbent on  securing the incarceration of the Minority Leader.  

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen, the first of these recordings is a 16-minute five seconds  telephone conversation between Godfred Dame and Richard Jakpa, the 3rd  Accused person, held on the morning (7:12am) of 9th April, 2024, a day that the  3rd Accused Richard Jakpa was preparing to go to court to continue his testimony.  

In this recording which we will play to your hearing and share with you shortly,  Godfred Dame, the Attorney-General, is clearly heard doing the following:

  1. A) Witness tampering 

In this recording, Godfred Dame is heard impressing upon Richard Jakpa, the 3rd  Accused, Richard Jakpa, to skew his answers and testimony to support the  prosecution’s case.  

This was despite Mr. Jakpa’s insistence that the line the Attorney-General wanted  him to tow was dishonest, untenable and that his conscience could not allow him  to do so.  

The dishonourable Attorney-General then dangled the assurance that Richard  Jakpa’s acceptance to testify the Attorney-General’s way was not going to get him  into any difficulty. 

  1. B) Conspiracy against an accused person 

In the recording under reference, Richard Jakpa reveals that Godfred Dame had  met him on several occasions at the residence of a sitting Supreme Court Judge to  impress upon him to testify in a manner that the Prosecution wants in order to fix  and wrongfully jail the Minority Leader Dr. Ato Forson.  

Godfred Dame did not refute this statement by Richard Jakpa except to caution  him that they were speaking on phone, and that he was not sure if anyone was  recording their conversation. 

Also, Godfred Dame is heard in the recording urging and coaching Richard Jakpa,  albeit with strong protest from Mr. Jakpa, to provide answers that Jakpa knows to  be false to the Court. 

  1. C) Professional Misconduct 

The audio recording provides incontrovertible evidence of professional  misconduct on the part of Godfred Dame as a Lawyer and a prosecutor.  

By talking to a represented person in an ongoing trial, on the blindside of the  represented person’s lawyer and urging the represented person to testify in a  manner that aids the prosecution’s case, Godfred Dame violently violated the  Legal Profession (Professional Conduct and Etiquette) Rules, 2020 (L.I. 2423) in  many ways.  

This gross professional misconduct on the part of no less a person than the  Attorney-General, who as the leader of the Bar bears a high responsibility to  adhere to the rules of ethics of the legal profession, is reprehensible and totally  unpardonable.  

  1. D) Fabrication of evidence to pervert the course of Justice 

It is instructive to note that in the audio recording, Godfred Dame is heard  persuading Mr. Jakpa not to end his testimony by a particular time to allow him to  travel. 

The dishonourable Attorney-General is also heard persuading Mr. Jakpa to procure  and submit a fake medical excuse duty to the court which he was scheduled to  testify before that morning. This was to enable Godfred Dame travel abroad  without missing Jakpa’s testimony.  

By asking a witness to fabricate evidence to deceive a court, Godfred Dame, the  Attorney-General, sought to undermine the judicial and justice administration  process.

This conduct of Godfred Dame constitutes the offense of perjury which is a crime  punishable under the laws of Ghana, specifically sections 213 and 214 of the  Criminal and Other Offenses Act, 1960 (Act 29). 

Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, I would at this stage invite you to listen to the  content of this recording after which I will make some important observations. 

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, the recording you just heard is one that is  worrying and all Ghanaians must be concerned about it.  

This is a scandal of unimaginable proportions that seriously exposes the criminal mindedness and lack of integrity of the Attorney-General, Godfred Dame. 

It also highlights the dishonesty of the prosecution in the Ambulance trial and the  desperate lengths they are prepared to go to secure wrongful conviction against  Hon. Ato Forson at all cost.  

Clearly, Mr. Dame, who as Attorney-General ought to know better, was doing  everything he could, including criminal acts, to defeat the long cherished legal  principle that it is better to set a thousand guilty persons free than to convict one  innocent person. 

Again, this recording, confirms our long-held position on Godfred Dame’s  notoriety for judicial manipulation against opponents of the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia regime.  

After many years of getting away with his shady, crooked and underhand dealings,  Godfred Dame’s cup has become full and his day of reckoning has finally come.

Today, Godfred Dame stands exposed as an unethical, scheming and devious  Attorney-General who will go to whatever length, including engaging in criminality  to unjustly silence, persecute and imprison critics of his government. Dame is  clearly a devious character bereft of integrity, honour and unfit to occupy the high  and hallowed public office of Attorney-General. 

Ladies and gentlemen of the media, why should we be concerned about this tape  recording?  

As I have already intimated, this tape recording captures professional misconduct,  unethical behaviour and criminal conduct on the part of no less a person than the  Attorney-General of the Republic of Ghana, Godfred Yeboah Dame.  

This conduct of Attorney-General Godfred Dame offends Rules 13, 40 and 54 of  the Legal Profession (Professional Conduct and Etiquette Rules) L.I. 2324. 

Rule 13 of L.I 2324 , which is on Communication with a represented party states:  

“A lawyer shall not approach, communicate or deal with a represented person on  a matter or attempt to negotiate or compromise a matter directly with a  represented person except through or with the consent of the lawyer of that  represented person”. 

At the time that Mr. Godfred Dame was calling and meeting Richard Jakpa at odd  hours to urge, goad, impress upon and coach him to testify the Attorney-General’s  way, Mr. Jakpa was represented by a lawyer.  

The claim that the Attorney General has been engaging the 3rd Accused directly  because he has been changing lawyers frequently is totally false. 

For instance, at the time Godfred Dame engaged the 3rd Accused, Richard Jakpa  in the phone call conversation that we just played to you on 9th April, 2024, the  3rd Accused was represented by the distinguished lawyer, Thaddeus Sory. 

It is clear from the tape recording that Godfred Dame was communicating with  the 3rd Accused, Richard Jakpa, on the blindside of his lawyer as well as the court, and he was attempting to compromise Jakpa in order to wrongfully convict Dr. Ato  Forson. This is a cardinal sin against the Legal Profession (Professional Conduct  and Etiquette Rules) L.I. 2324.  

Again, Rule 40 (1) of LI 2324, which highlights special responsibilities of a  prosecutor states: 

“Where a lawyer acts as a prosecutor, the lawyer shall act resolutely and  honourably within the limits of the law and shall treat the court or tribunal with  candour, fairness, courtesy and respect”. 

It is clear from this tape that Godfred Dame’s conduct violates Rule 40 (1) of LI  2324. He consciously, deliberately and knowingly did not act resolutely nor  honourably. Neither did Dame treat the court with the candour, fairness and  respect that all lawyers, and in this particular case prosecutors, are required by  law to do. 

The standard for Integrity of evidence is provided for by Rule 54 of LI 2423. It  states: 

Rule 54 (1) A lawyer shall not advise or suggest to a witness to give false evidence. (2) A lawyer shall not  

(a) suggest, or  

(b) condone a client or another person suggesting to a prospective  witness, the content of any particular evidence which the witness should give at  any stage in a proceeding.

This is the duty placed by law on all lawyers, including the Attorney-General.  Godfred Dame by his conduct, which are captured on this tape, clearly violates  this duty placed on him as a lawyer.  

Again, Godfred Dame’s conduct violates section 213 of the Criminal Offenses Act,  1960 (Act 29) which is on fabrication of evidence and states as follows: 

“Whoever fabricates evidence, with intent to defeat, obstruct, or pervert the  course of justice in any proceeding, shall be liable to the same penalties as if he  had committed perjury in that proceeding.” 

It is clear from the tape recording that Mr. Dame was urging, goading and  encouraging the 3rd Accused to fabricate evidence in the form of a fake medical  excuse duty to deceive the trial court. 


Ladies and gentlemen of the media, we note that following Mr Richard Jakpa’s  explosive testimony last Thursday and the widespread controversy it has  generated, Godfred Dame has resorted to peddling more lies in an attempt to  escape accountability. 

First, the Attorney General publicly stated at paragraph 2 of his press release of  23rd May, 2024 that; 

“The Republic has never required or desired the cooperation of any of the  accused persons in the matter, in which it has already succeeded in establishing a  prima facie case against all the accused persons. Neither the Attorney-General nor  any officer from the Office of the Attorney-General has approached any of the  accused persons with the view to obtaining evidence from them”. 

It is glaringly clear from the tape recording you just listened to that this claim is a  barefaced lie peddled by the dishonourable Attorney-General and his office to  deceive the public.  

In sharp contrast to his earlier claim that he has never met any of the accused  persons, the Attorney-General now claims that he has actually contacted and met  the 3rd Accused, Richard Jakpa, but that he met him only once at the residence of  a Supreme Court Judge and that this meeting was not at his behest but rather at  the behest of a sitting Supreme Court judge who entrapped him.  

Ladies and gentlemen, all these claims by the Attorney-General through his  spokesperson are lies, and we have evidence to prove so. 

In addition to the voice recordings, we have other evidence by way of screenshots  of chats on WhatsApp between Godfred Dame and Mr. Jakpa which further prove  that the Attorney-General contacted a represented person without recourse to  the represented person’s lawyer. 

The chats further show that it was Godfred Dame who chose to meet Richard  Jakpa at the house of the Supreme Court Judge (Project WhatsApp Exhibit 1). 

As you can see from the screen this is a WhatsApp chat dated 16th February,  2022 in which Godfred Dame undertakes to arrange a meeting with Mr. Jakpa through his brother (actually, his cousin, the Supreme Court Judge) through a  WhatsApp message sent at 7:32pm. This evidence totally belies Dame’s contrived  and ridiculous claim that he was entrapped.  

The next set of WhatsApp chats (Project WhatsApp exhibits 2, 3 and 4) dated  17th July, 2022, shows Godfred Dame, receiving certain soft copies of documents  from Mr. Richard Jakpa to facilitate his prosecution of the Minority Leader at  11:29pm. This was immediately after the Attorney-General had met Mr. Jakpa at 

the residence of the Supreme Court judge, at the instance of the Attorney General.  

In the next WhatsApp chat (WhatsApp exhibit 5) dated 23rd November, 2023, Godfred Dame is seen to have placed a call at 10:40am to Richard Jakpa and  followed it with a message at 10:49am acknowledging a message sent to him by  Mr. Jakpa that the case had been adjourned to Thursday, the following week. 

The final WhatsApp chat (WhatsApp exhibit 6) dated Tuesday 9th April, 2024 shows evidence of a 26- minute phone call placed to Richard Jakpa by  GodfredDame at 7:12am, the morning of a day Jakpa was scheduled to testify in  court. 

It is this telephone conversation that we have played to you and it was in this  conversation that Godfred Dame, among others, asked Jakpa to fabricate a fake  medical excuse duty to deceive the trial court. 

Thus, the claim by the dishonourable Attorney-General Godfred Dame that he  only met the 3rd Accused person once and that same was through entrapment by  a Supreme Court judge is not only false but hogwash. 


Ladies and gentlemen, following Mr. Jakpa’s explosive testimony in court, the  Attorney-General has falsely claimed through his spokesperson and various  assigns that his engagement with the 3rd Accused was for purposes of plea  bargain negotiations at the instance of the 3rd Accused.  

We want to state for the records that there has not been any plea bargain  meetings between the Attorney-General and the 3rd Accused throughout this  trial. 

All the letters being circulated by the Attorney-General in the media dated 27th  April, 2023, 16th May, 2023, 30th May, 2023 and 12th June, 2023, were proposals  for amicable settlement and plea bargaining from Big Sea LLC and Mr. Jakpa.  

All these proposals were rejected by the Attorney-General, whereupon the trial  court decided to continue with the hearing and adjudication of the case.  

Since then, the court has not been informed of the commencement of any plea  bargain negotiations as required by section 162C(3) of Plea Bargaining Act, 2022  (Act 1079).  

For emphasis, aside the letters submitted by Mr. Jakpa to the Attorney-General for  settlement or plea bargaining, which proposals were all rejected by the Attorney  General, there has not been any meeting between either Mr. Jakpa or his lawyers  on one hand and the Attorney-General or his assigns on the other hand.  

It is worthy of note that all those letters were signed by lawyers for Mr. Jakpa. This  means that assuming the Attorney-General had accepted to engage the 3rd  Accused in plea bargain negotiations, same should have been done with the  lawyers of the 3rd Accused as required by section 162A(3) of Plea Bargaining Act,  2022 (Act 1079).  

More importantly, the evidence of clandestine communication and meetings  between the Attorney-General and the 3rd Accused which we have shown you,  dates back to as far back as 16th February, 2022 and 17th July, 2022 when no  settlement or plea bargain proposal had even been made by Big Sea and Mr.  Jakpa.  

We have also played to you a recording of a phone call conversation held between  the Attorney-General and Mr. Jakpa as recent as 9th April, 2024, a day Mr. Jakpa  was scheduled to testify in court.

It is evidently clear from the foregoing facts that the plea bargain excuse being  mounted by the Attorney-General and his assigns are palpable lies calculated to  divert attention from the critical issues at stake.  

The question every well-meaning Ghanaian should be asking is, why the Attorney General will refuse a proposal to settle this case, which will ensure the payment of  Two Million Euros to the State, at a time our country is faced with economic  bankruptcy. 


Considering the scandalous nature of this recording and other forms of evidence  we have shown you, we wish to make the following pressing demands as part of  efforts to restore credibility to the Attorney-General’s office and Ghana’s judicial  system as a whole. 

  1. The immediate and unconditional resignation or dismissal of Godfred Dame for  bringing the high office of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice into  disrepute and public opprobrium. Clearly, Mr. Dame is not fit to hold himself out  as Attorney-General and Minister of Justice. He is unfit to be the Leader of the  Ghanaian Bar. 
  2. The immediate prosecution of Godfred Dame for multiple violations of the laws  of Ghana. We wish to make it clear that should President Akufo-Addo fail to  prosecute him, a future NDC government will prosecute Godfred Dame for this  heinous crime of fabrication of evidence.  
  3. Commencement of disciplinary proceedings by the General Legal Council  against Godfred Dame and his disbarment for conduct unbecoming of a lawyer  and more importantly the leader of the Ghana Bar.
  4. A publicly-televised Parliamentary inquiry into this and other reports of judicial  manipulations by GodfredDame with a view to censure Godfred Dame to prevent  the recurrence of such judicial manipulations. 


Friends from the media, it is clear from the incontrovertible evidence we have  adduced today, that the government has no evidence of wrongdoing against the  Minority Leader but is only involved in fabrications to persecute him as retribution  for his strong opposition to the economic mismanagement and general misrule of  the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government. 

These damning revelations call into question the integrity of the case of the  prosecution in the ongoing Ambulance trial and the necessity for same. 

Godfred Dame has brought shame and disrepute to the honourable office of the  Attorney-General with his criminal, devious and vicious conduct. He is a danger to  fairness and justice in our judicial system and represents the lowest point in the  history of persons who have occupied the hallowed office of Attorney-General and  Minister of Justice. 

While we have pointed out many times that Godfred Dame epitomises all that is  inherently wrong in vesting both the office of the Attorney-General and the  Minister of Justice in the same person, we believe that he has recklessly abused  both offices and his continuous stay in office is no longer tenable. 

The primary responsibility of the Attorney-General is to be the voice of rule of law,  ensure the impartial enforcement of law and advise the President and  government to take actions that conform to law. 

More importantly, an Attorney-General must be a shining example and a leading  light for the Bar, not a criminal-minded, crooked, devious and vicious person who 

is pre-occupied with witch-hunting and victimisation, as has become the cup of  tea of Godfred Dame. 

Mr. Dame has demonstrated time without number that he cannot prioritise the  national interest over his party’s parochial and self-serving interest. He must  therefore resign or be sacked by the President without delay.  




Listen to the audio recording of a telephone conversation between Attorney General Dame and a witness in the case, Richard Jakpa.

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