Use press freedom to develop the country – Atuoni Gyabaah

Mr Atuoni Gyabaah, Agona East District Director of the National commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has called on media practitioners to use the press freedom they are enjoying, to enhance national development.

Speaking at a forum to mark the 11th Annual National Constitution Week at Agona Seth-Okai, near Agona Nsaba, in the Agona East District, on Wednesday, Mr Gyabaah urged media practitioners to go beyond reporting on politics and sporting activities and report on problems facing Ghanaians in the rural areas.

That, he said, would attract the attention of government to come to the aid of the people.

Mr Gyabaah urged Ghanaians to use the freedom of speech they enjoy to foster unity, especially among the followers of the various political parties.

“Freedom of speech must not be equated to insults”, he stressed.

He urged Ghanaians to respect human dignity, which is one of the cardinal principles for democracy.

The NCCE district director pointed out that, democracy promotes development, the rule of law and good governance.

Mr Gyabaah urged assembly members to regularly meet with the people to strategise for the development of their areas and cautioned them against showing disrespect to traditional authorities.

The director urged unit committees and assembly members to protect state property in their electoral areas and identify and destroy the meeting places of drug addicts and criminals.

Mr Stephen Agyei-Yeboah, a senior staff of the Commission urged the people to get copies of the 1992 constitution and study them as they do to their Bibles and Korans, to enlighten them of their rights and responsibilities as Ghanaians.

Mr Kwesi Fosu, Assembly member for the area appealed to the Assembly to construct a Junior High School in the community, to stop children from walking long distances to attend school.

He also appealed for electricity for the town

Nana Okai II, chief of the town commended the NCCE for holding the forum in the community.

Source: GNA

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