IT professionals called to contribute to biometric voting register

Haruna Iddrisu - Communications Minister

Mr Haruna Iddrius, Minister of Communications, on Thursday called on Information Technology (IT) professionals to contribute to the debate on the biometric voters register to improve electoral processes in the country.

He said IT professionals played a crucial role in the social, economic and political development of every country.

Mr Iddrisu said this at the opening of a two-day conference by the Information Technology Association of Ghana (ITAG) on the theme: “Building a Network of IT Professionals for Accelerated National Development” in Accra.

The meeting is being attended by members of the Information Technology Association of Nigeria, the Ghana Medical Association, the Ghana Institute of Engineers, the Ghana Bar Association.

Mr Haruna noted that Information Communication Technology (ICT) was an important tool that would enable professionals from all sectors of the economy to improve on their productivity for national development.

The Sector Minister reiterated government’s commitment to provide an enabling environment for professionals in the IT industry to operate.

He announced that the month of May would be dedicated to the celebration of female IT professionals who had excelled in the discharge of their duties.

Dr Nii Narku Quaynor, the Interim President of ITAG, said the successful outdooring of the Association for practitioners and professionals of IT would enable the engagement of human capital in creating a true knowledge industry and economy.

He urged participates to seek the opportunity to network with professionals to share common ideas in the sector.

Mr William Tevie, Secretary of ITAG, said the government’s programme of ICT for accelerated growth and commitment to developing IT resulted in the setting up of the National Information Technology Agency,(NITA) which he is also the Director General.

He said the agency was tasked to ensure that ICT was used to enhance growth in all aspects for the economy.

Mr Tevie said the Association also aimed at providing a forum to share ideas and best practice, seeking common interests and standards and providing a better understanding of the environment in which practitioners operated.

Source: GNA

1 Comment
  1. kumah John says

    what is the government doing in improving ICT education in the basic schools through out the country?
    pupils in the Basic schools through out the country are now made to study ICT as a core subject.
    but what we have to bear in mind is that,ICT is a practical based subject and for that matter it cannot be taught and studied in abstract
    The government must therefore within her maximum best try to provide these basic schools especially, in the remote areas the necessary ICT tools of which thet can learn with so that they can meet the out side world in the near future.
    thank you.

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