Political leaders asked to use dialogue to resolve issues

Reverend Christopher K. Ahorble, Apenkwa District Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) on Sunday urged political leaders to use dialogue to resolve issues of national interest instead of engaging in hate speeches.

Rev Ahorble said some of the utterances made on the media do not encourage peace but could rather spark violence which if not controlled can lead to conflicts in the country.

He said this in a sermon at the inauguration ceremony of Dominion Congregation of the PCG at Dome Pillar 2 under the theme ‘The Holy Spirit and the Believer: A Chosen Vessel of Christ’.

Rev Ahorble said politicians should be guided by lessons learnt from war torn areas like Libya, Cote’d’Ivoire, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Sudan which started as a result of negative speech and ethnicity.

He noted that even though there is freedom of speech, there should be the need to promote responsible speech and peace to enhance national development.

Rev Ahorble stressed that leaders are chosen by God and as such it is the responsibilities of those in authority govern to rule according the dictates of God’ s commandment and urged Christians to allow the Holy Spirit to empower them to be strong in their faith.

He said the good book said there is time for everything, time to be born and a time to grow up, therefore Dominion Congregation started like a mustard seed but has now grown up and becoming a giant tree on which many birds are finding their way to have rest and make their nests.

Rev Ahorble urged parents to plan before giving birth since it is their duty to provide quality education to their wards, shelter and their needs to prevent deviant behaviours from the children.

Rev Dr Godwin N.N. Odonkor, Ga Presbytery Chairman, said the inauguration of the congregation is an occasion to thank God adding that it is the beginning of a new phase to meet the evangelism challenges faced today and the world.

He said the word Dominion devotes power which is the exact status that Christ has raised the Church to show the negative forces of the dark word His power to bring the work of God into fulfilment.

Rev Odonkor stressed that as the church is elevated to a more responsible position, it is necessary to create a Christ-Centred atmosphere within the groups.

Rev Odonkor challenged the church to focus seriously on the children and youth ministry so as to prepare them take over the mantle of leadership and prayed that the church should grow and develop to become a beacon of hope not only for Christians but for the community at large.

He urged all to have the spirit of peace and love for one another devoid of hatred among Christians and prayed for God’s favour for the church to move from strength to strength.

Ms Akosua Pokua Asah, Chairman of the Publicity Committee for Dominion Congregation, said the church started with twenty nine members but now has a population of 265 and formed groups like bible study and prayer, singing band and Young Peoples’ Guild.

Ms Asah said the Congregation started the children ministry in May 1999 which saw its first graduation on Sept 2000 and had successfully organised all the national and district programmes at the local level.

Source: GNA

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